ISBN : 9782343107868

EAN PDF : 9782140024900

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 252

Date : 12- 2016

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Antonio de La Gandara - The gentleman painter of the Belle Époque

The gentleman painter of the Belle Époque

Jean Dara - Translated from the French by Barbara Greenland

Il s'agit de la version anglaise du livre Intrigues parisiennes de la Belle Époque paru en Octobre 2016.
The author offers us a vibrant testimony of the Parisian intrigues of the Belle Epoque. He refutes terrifying rumours circulating about Antonio de La Gandara and why the fame of this great master of painting is put in danger. Jean Dara tells us about his journeys with Sarah Bernhardt in London, in Canada and in the United States. He shares his concerns about Manuel who is involved in one of the secret societies meeting in Paris. He reveals his love for Paul, the history of his nieces Raymonde and Tonia, and the cruel fate of Florise. The protagonists of this drama rest at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

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