ISBN : 9782343088716

EAN PDF : 9782140006296

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Diplomacy and Strategy

Nombre de pages : 346

Date : 4- 2016

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Berlusconi - and the Power of Television : 2008-11

and the Power of Television : 2008-11

Gianni Carta

Power and media are closely linked in any ideological political system, but Italy under three-term premier Silvio Berlusconi is a case apart. A businessman-turned-politician and owner of a vast media empire, Berlusconi became Italy's longest-serving post-war prime minister through his proficient use of television. This book examines how Berlusconi built his empire and used the media to achieve and retain political success in a milieu where allegations of corruption, bribery and links to the Mafia were constant features, and amid his own sexual scandals. Finally, the author wonders if Berlusconi's media-driven political power is a “model” that could be replicated in other countries.

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