ISBN : 9782343065458

EAN PDF : 9782336384283

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Cameroun

Nombre de pages : 204

Date : 6- 2015

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Cameroon - A Lion Deeply Asleep - Building A New Cameroon

A Lion Deeply Asleep

Linus Patem

There's no doubt that Cameroon has a gargantuan potential for growth. Cameroonian people must all work together as one people, in their own way, depending on how they've been gifted by God. But how do you go about this considering the present circumstances ? It comes from the depth of the love one has for his country and the strong desire to see it become a happier and more welcoming home. The author humbly wishes that his book will make you realize what is necessary for this beautiful and richly endowed country and what we can do together to move it forward.

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