ISBN : 9782343208077

EAN PDF : 9782140158773

EAN ePUB : 9782336909523

Éditeur : Harmattan Hongrie

Nombre de pages : 122

Date : 9- 2020

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Rhetorical Preaching - Studies on Rhetoric, Homiletics & Preaching

Studies on Rhetoric, Homiletics & Preaching

Zoltan Literaty

The goal of this book is to demonstrate that sermons are "rhetorical" speeches by nature. The simplest argument is that it would be difficult to imagine a sermon without intent, and all international speeches are rhetorical by definition. This work focuses on the fact that rhetoric, as the intrinsic cohesive power of speech, is not a question of form, style or representation but a practical skill based on "common sense" that produces effective speech in the most optimal way possible.

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